Wednesday, November 23, 2011

IN the FRINGE (Assonance!)

Monday was the choosing of the lineup for the festival and I got in!! I'm in the Brown venue at OST which seats 100 people and I have 7 shows so I need to find 700 people to see it. I have paid a lot of money already to get it in the festival and now I am a producer and have costs that frighten me. So Katie and Kayla have offered to help me with fundraising. In order.... Bake Sale, PArty at the apt, and a night of music and comedy. Guess who picked each one?
I'm so excited and scared out of my mind at the same time. I can't believe a small thought of an idea of writing a show about 9/11 a year ago has now had a reading and now will have a world premiere at an international fringe festival. I'm speechless, honored, and ready to get this thing ready!!
I'm not cast next semester so I have so many projects lined up to get the most out of my last semester in school. I'm doing 2 cabarets, leading an improv workshop, and doing a project I used to do in NYC which is get whoever wants to do a scene, song, monologue, etc and present it for feedback and suggestions. It would be nice to explore some of the pieces I want to do on these nights.
My director, Trevin Cooper, and I have thought about some of the pieces we definitely want to do in the final show and our first cut is: The opening, The closing, The Actor, The Cab Driver, The Romantic Couple, The Jumper, The K9 Unit, The Missing Person Ad, The 19 Men. That's 10 pieces. Each one can be 5 minutes each then. Hmmmm, I've got a lot of editing to do. I have to have the whole show under 60 minutes. BUT, I want to keep working on it so when I perform it outside the Fringe Festival, it can run about 80 minutes or so.
Let's get through the holidays, then it's go time.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I have put this project on the back burner since 9/11 while I was getting Pajama Game on its feet and trying not to fail out of school. Today was a huge step in moving this project forward. In May, the Orlando Fringe Festival takes place and they take roughly 75 shows that perform in that week. I filled out my application, searched under the cushions for loose change so I could pay the application fee, and submitted my 9/11 show to be performed as part of the festival. There's about a 70% chance that I'll be picked for the festival. It's done purely on a lottery system. I'm trying to get into a venue that seats 100 people and hopefully will get 7 performances during the week. IF I do get in the festival, major fundraising will begin to help pay my producer costs. Thank God this is a one man show. There is admission price for the show so if I can get 700 people to come see it, then maybe, I can make a dent in my school loans......or get a new lens for my camera!
I'll find out by the evening of Nov 21st and that'll give me 5 or so months to polish the show, cut it down to the best 55 minutes, and start memorizing every single word in it. and then....... start reliving it all....over.....again. The most exciting thing is if I do get into the festival, I should be done with my thesis next summer. Holla!
Oh, and after doing my reading and getting feedback from everyone, I decided that a working title right now will be 9/11: We will never forget (The never will be crossed out). That's right. I can't begin to tell you how many people expressed the feeling that we forgot all of these stories in the past 10 years, and it'll only get worse in the future. My job will be to make sure we don't.