Sunday, May 8, 2011

First stream of thought writing. 10 minutes.

9/11 First draft free thought- 10 minutes

death. bodies and murders like no one has ever witnessed before in america and in nyc. it was brutal. how everything must have worked so perfectly for the highjackers for this to happen. makes me think it was supposed to happen. Any number of things could have gone wrong, but they didn't. it was almost perfect. two towers falling but only killing 3,000 people. is it wrong to think that that wasn't very many people. or enough people to make it horrendous? People evaporated. Sitting at a job they hated or being tired and were absolutely defenseless and evaporated. Then the people above had to worry for an hour. Smoke killed some. What an awful way to die. then the jumpers. did they feel they could survive? what was happening up there? How hot was it that jumping to your death was the only choice. People on the street witnessing them falling. nothing anyone has ever seen. bodies exploding on the ground. who sees that? how do you recover from that?

The first plane seemed like an accident. was it a bomb, small commuter jet? was the pilot drunk? Second plane was an attack. For 16 minutes we were dealing with a fire. 2nd explosion had more people watching and meant more. It was like a movie. cinematography couldn't have been better or more suspenseful. An explosion in a building in nYC of that magnitude on tv. You cant write something like that. THen who knew if the 2nd plane was it? Were there more? What else? then we hear about the pentagon and united 93. there are rumors of others around country but not confirmed. Anything could have been the answer for this. 10 thousand dead? 1 thousand dead?

300 firefighters crushed. Did they know it was going to fall? Were they heroes? Did they think they'd get up and out before anything destructive happened. They hardly made it close to the fire. They didn't even put any out. a couple did. They went in to get crushed. Walking up stairs would take them 3 hours. It only stood for an hour.

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