Thursday, May 5, 2011

Uh oh

I had a discovery today. I think I'm ready to sit down and start writing. And what's going through my mind over and over again? "You're going to screw this up Jason." "Is this going to be a disaster?" "What are you going to write about that isn't going to be just depressing?" "Is this going to be entertaining at all??" "How can I tell the story and not make it look like artistic masturbation?" "What can I say that everyone hasn't heard already?" "How is this going to avoid being just another 9/11 piece?" "How am I going to put everything that is in my head down in a coherent way that captures the audiences imagination, emotions, and sense of understanding?" "How do I make this show amazing and not a piece of shit?"
Ahhhhhh..... the life of a writer and someone who is taking a major risk. Fuck me.

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