Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dec 22nd

" ..the purpose of enhancing creativity is not only for enrichment; it's a vital resource for meeting the challenges and dangers, as well as the opportunities, of the accelerated-change climate of the twenty-first century.....the most important asset you have for negotiating this rapidly changing world is your creative brain."

"Regardless of you mission for the future, it is crucial that you develop your creative capacities. By developing your creative brain, you can not only adapt to the changing world, but you can make a contribution to that change. By developing your creative brain, you will also prime your brain to discover, innovate, and produce your original contribution to the 21st century."

A creative idea or product needs to be both original and useful for it to considered creativity.

These quotes are from the book "Your Creative Brain" by Shelley Carson. One question I've had since I can remember might be answered in this book, or at least attempted. What does it scientifically mean to be creative and how does it physiologically affect our bodies and those around us? Even if I'm not able to explain it, just reading about it and knowing it will provide a large void in my understanding of what I do.

"Do not call yourself lazy if you're not being creative. You are blocked. Laziness has a negative connotation to it." - Julia Cameron

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