Sunday, April 24, 2011

First Brainstorming Session

This is a list of possible characters, themes, images, and reflections I have of the day after reading the book 102 Minutes and reflecting on my own experiences from that day. I don't know how I'm going to arrange this show yet, don't know how many characters I'm going to have, don't know what I'm going to be sure to include and what won't read on stage. These are the things that are floating around in my head and haven't been fully developed yet.

"do i go thru that fire or stay safe here?" all about risk taking

Rap artist about the towers

Airline controller

News manager

Competition of who was there

Someonr determined not to leave city

Telling someone theyre their hero

"this is my home"

Trapped in subway

About to jump

Looking on the brightside

Pissed its on all the channels

Lady selling usa memoribilia

Cab driver


The history of nyc leading to today

Someone getting a handful dirt as wife

Hand with a baby hand in it

Fireman at bar

Someone waiting for phone call

Trying to find right picture for sign- reminds them of past times

Someone on west coast
Someone midtown

2 sons

2 brothers

People just looking

Soemone who has had lots of problems, this might be worst

Fireman hears bodies falling

Volunteer to give blood, dont need it

Guy who rode the roof down

Seeing the footage for the 100th time

Soemone waking up their roommate

What do we do now?

List of things why terrorists won

Something specific reminds them of america

Someone whos trapped in debris

Watching theb1st tower from the 2nd before its hit

Angels/the dead- talking to family
What they did
How they died

1500 were saved, but he missed the one

Everyone knows whats going to happen. The anticipation is bad

On the phone when it happened
When realization
Death realized

It was a bomb or gunman

Stuck in an elevator

Found body 5 blocks away

Woman with headphones on at desk

Told someone to go, but they stayed behind to watch. Wonder what

The realization sight of what was going on

Why the fire/ safety plan wasnt working

Other tower. Doesnt affect me "habit or instinct"

phone calls from other building. No biggie

Bankers make their money by staying

91 and 92 floor had different outcomes

Windows of the world breakfast. Not even supposed to be there

The word stuck

The idea of people running one way while others ran to it. That energy in the crossing

Internal monolgue of a person jumping through the air

A fireman's decision to help. Cant put out fire, only help evcuate

The amount of equipment a fireman carried

Control desk knowing no info

Someone looking at a walkie and describing how it sucks

Guilt of a guard who sent people back to their offices in south tower

"have you ever seen someone jump out of a building?"

How the 93 bombing affected the evacution now

Image of a hero come and gone rescuing

Someone on the 78th floor waking up after the 2nd plane. Seeing things

Difference between the first plane and the second

All the codes and lacknof fire tower and stairwells- we ar america!

"if they just would have taken this stairwell!"

A letter to someone who helped them but died

On my way down i saw someone smile, what and who was behind tht humanity?

Floor 64 closed the door an sealed it

Someone who has worked there for awhile and was foing to die there

Made it to roof. Locked. Other side was freedom

Stairway a was available in north tower and no one knew

Someone trapped in elevator alone waiting to die

Paralyzed person

Building on fire. Someone needs respirator. Any urgency?

Did not think the building would fall

Witnessed someone dying from a falling corpse

Someone talking while in a slow line moving down

After being in stairwell, to see the first signs of apocolypse

Cop trying to be strong but observing the horrors challenged that

Firemen making jokes as they passed up

Just as they started getting things right, they collapsed

The idea of distance physically and emotionally

If this was a movie, everyone would get out or narrowly escape

After a call, what someone wanted to say but forgot. All the things.

I dont want to die. Pleads his case

My twin brother was in the other tower

North tower didnt know the airplanes or the soyth tower fall, not even hit. Worlds largest tower was yards away and i didnt know

Firefughter only 35 floors up with all his shit still having 60 to go

Fates were sealed 4 decades earlier when stairs were elimanted for valuable space

Obese guy cant get help

Guy stuck after collapses knowing hes not going to get rescued

Religion caused this?

Celebrities dont feel safe

Rumors/ constant updates of planes

Where were you...?

Specifically that time. The factors that put someone there or npt. Missed a train , etc

Free thinking piece of all the questions that wentthrough oyr head

Other crimes happening around nyc

How many dead?

Why we're vulnerable and strong

Election day

Significance of 911

What do you think you would do?

Death by inhalation of dust- after escaping

Survivor guilt

Dreams of 9/11

A fireman who wasnt inside because he left and his friends were

Nobody cares if i get up in the morning

To accept fully whats gojng to happen and wha that feels like. Free

1st time ever seeing a dead body

2nd guessing

Coumting up with each number meaning something about the day

Why to amake the decision not to leave

Someone who slept thru the whole thing

Jane doe 1 was hit by debris

How did not more people die

Stanley praimaith

How do you treat others when your relative is in there?

Firemeb in north tower didnt know anything about south tower and fidnt leave on mayday

Someone about to die with the philosophy of everything happens for a reason

"everything ive worked for has come to this?"

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